Looking for a place to rent in Dublin?

Is Central Florida a good place to live? Is it safe to live in Central Florida? What is the best area to live in Central Florida? If you are asking yourself this questions maybe is best for you to consider rental properties in Central Florida. Living in Central Florida is great, however you might want to rent a property first so you can get familiar with the cost of living in Central Florida.

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What Documents do you need to rent?

rent in Dublin; houses for rent in Dublin
  • Proof of Income – All landlords require recent and verifiable proof of income. Put together your most recent paystubs over the last 60 days. If you are a business owner or independent contractor, we will advise you regarding what items you will need for proof of income. (Last 6 months of bank statements and most recent Tax return will normally suffice)  
  • Photo I.D. – All landlords require photo i.d. Take a color photo of the driver’s license of all adults over the age of 18. 
  • Rental Application – All landlords require a rental application that can give all the necessary details like how many people will be living at the property, how many cars, employment and any other necessary information about the applicant. 
  • Credit Report – Many landlords or HOA’s have minimum credit score requirements. There are various websites that you can pull your credit report from and save as a PDF file or print to PDF.
  • Background & Eviction Screening – Many Landlords and HOA’s feel more comfortable knowing ahead of time the most information possible about any applicant.
  • Rental Payment History Ledger  – We recommended that you request a payment history ledger from your current landlord showing your history of rental payments. You can also prepare one from your banking records if you pay by check or direct deposit. This is a great tool to have, especially in a multiple offer situation or if you have damaged credit. 

Get your tenant screening

Get your rental application, Credit report, score, background and eviction screening with TRANSUNION.