When you sell or buy a house you will find and even work with different people who, in addition, will have different tasks within the organization. Mainly, you will meet with REALTORS®, Real Estate Agents and Brokers. Although the objectives of these three professionals are similar, they have differences:
- Real Estate Agent: Is one who has a license that accredits him to be a real estate agent. The requirements necessary to obtain the license vary throughout the country.
- REALTOR®: is the term registered for an agent who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, which is the largest association in the nation. In addition, professional standards separate REALTORS® from real estate agents, since the REALTOR® must comply with the ethical training code every two years
- Broker: Is a real estate agent who exercises the highest level of license after working in the industry.
This article is made for informative and divulgative purposes. For this reason, it is important that before making any decision, visit or contact a certified specialist in the field, since the opinion of the expert is the one that should be considered.
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